You are not crazy.

You are not crazy.

Many people say it is incredibly hard to describe the insidiousness they experienced in their relationship.

You are not crazy.

You are not crazy.

Many people say it is incredibly hard to describe the insidiousness they experienced in their relationship.

Unhealthy people like to make their victims feel they are the crazy ones. If you react wildly, cry hysterically, experience rage, or feel out of control, YOU ARE NOT CRAZY. Your feelings and reactions are normal responses to an abnormal situation.

Manipulators cause their victims to distrust their perception of reality. This is emotional abuse.

You are not crazy.

Unhealthy people like to convince their victims and others that they are the ones being abused. They like to push their victims to their limits with blaming, name-calling, or covert hard-to-pinpoint tactics. The victim reacts strongly to the abuse, perhaps choosing to argue back or physically defend themselves from the narcissist. Once they do this, the narcissist uses it as an example or “proof” that they are being abused and that the victim is actually to blame.

If you react, if you cry, if you are raging or feeling out of control, YOU ARE NOT CRAZY. Your feelings and reactions are normal responses to an abnormal situation.

Narcissists use this technique to maintain power. The more it happens, the victim is convinced they really are to blame and that they are crazy.

You are dealing with a narcissist.

It is traumatizing to be in a relationship with a narcissist. We walk on eggshells. We doubt our perceptions. We feel like no matter what we do, the narcissist will never be satisfied. We feel alone and misunderstood.

Have you been told you over-analyze things? Of course, some people do read too much into situations. The difference with narcissists is that, in retrospect, you discover you were correct. Narcissists intentionally do things to make you feel insecure and suspicious like flirting on social media. When you question them, they accuse you of over-analyzing the situation. But then a month later you discover they were cheating with that person. Narcissists want you to doubt yourself by making you feel crazy — constantly planting hints to make you feel suspicious, and then blaming you for having anxiety.

Of course, it’s not always this bad, because if it was, you would never have become involved in the first place. The Idealize stage is when you get hooked, and to keep you invested in the relationship, this cycle repeats itself over and over: idealize > devalue > idealize > devalue > discard > idealize > devalue, and so on until one day the relationship ends permanently.

People who are emotionally abused come from all walks of life. Men, women, non-binary, transgender, children — any age, any gender, any culture, any background.

Note: if you are feeling suicidal, help is available!

Knowledge empowers you to become strong! Once you are aware of what has happened, you can begin to find strength.

Read. Learn. Take your power back.

Below are a few comments from @narcissist_free followers on Instagram.

Thank you for doing what you do.

Your courage to share has helped me in my own courage to tell the truth about what happened in my own life.

Thank you for your courage and all you share. You have been an angel to me.

I am so thankful to you. You have helped me heal through learning.

Your account is just about the only things that gets me out of bed everyday. Thank you for such profound posts!

You save me with every post. Each day I want to end my life, but you make me stronger with your posts.

A few things you should know…

Emotional Abuse Statistics in the U.S.

people in the United States are affected by narcissistic abuse
0 %
of the population experience psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime
0 %
of people who are psychologically abused will display PTSD symptoms
0 %
of people in the U.S. are believed to be narcissists

Understanding Narcissism

Understanding Narcissism

Read. Understand. Empower. Heal.
Check out the Narcissist Free Journal.

Do you have suicidal thoughts? Help is available.

SMS 988

Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.