Tears, doubting yourself, feeling unheard and alone — these are not part of a healthy, loving relationship.

Tears, doubting yourself, feeling unheard and alone — these are not part of a healthy, loving relationship.

If you feel pain to great depths in your heart, you may be in a relationship with a narcissist.

I feel crazy but I don’t understand why.

This is a common theme in narcissistic relationships. Sadness. Anger. Doubt. Frustration. Anxiety. Worry. Obsessing. Everything is your fault. You feel less than. Interestingly, you never felt this way before you met your partner. You may be in a relationship with a narcissist. Idealize (Love Bombing). Devalue. Discard. This is the cycle of narcissistic abuse.

People in narcissistic relationships have completed the following sentence.

Maybe he doesn’t hit you…

but he convinces you that you don’t deserve love or respect.

but he kicked me out of the car at 12:30 am miles from home knowing my cell phone was dead.

but he kills me from the inside day after day after day…

but he verbally abused me with his flying monkeys.

but he cheated on me when I was 8 months pregnant and then laughed.


but shows no interest, no love, no affection. Acts as if I didn’t exist.

but his words are like repeated punches to your face and chest.

but he says something awful to your face, flat-out denies it later, and makes you feel like you’re absolutely crazy.

but you almost wish he did.

but he pulls your hair, calls you names, belittles you, orders you…

but makes you cry as hard as if he did.

but he belittled me, accused me of all the bad behavior he is doing, and made me think I was crazy.

but he says you should be thankful that he doesn’t.

but he forbids you to spend time with your family and friends.

but your soul still feels bruised.

A Little Bit About Me

Survivor & Influencer — finding healing through sharing what I experienced after a discard


Daily Reader by Narcissist Free

Empowering and healing


“I am so thankful to you. You have helped me heal through learning.”

“I am so thankful to you. You have helped me heal through learning.”

“Thank you for your courage and all you share. You have been an angel to me.”

“Thank you for your courage and all you share. You have been an angel to me.”

– anonymous readers

You are not crazy.

Many people say it is incredibly hard to describe the insidiousness they experienced in their relationship.

You are not crazy.

Many people say it is incredibly hard to describe the insidiousness they experienced in their relationship.

Understanding Narcissism

Understanding Narcissism

Read. Understand. Empower. Heal.
Check out the Narcissist Free Journal.